Saturday, 17 September 2011

Camera angles and conventions


What does it mean?
Why Might it be used

Establishing shot
Gets a clear view on area being shown. Establishes setting.
To make an audience clear on where the action is taking place

Close up
Camera zooms in on a particular area. Person, setting ,etc.

To make sure the audience are clear on the subject for dramatic use.

Two shot
Where two people are in the frame
To show conversation or action between both people

Aerial shot
Shot from above
Show a shot or scene from a birds eyes view. Gaining knowledge of set/scene

Point- of – view shot
Point of view of the character involved
To make it feel like the audience is there in the shot.

Over the shoulder shot
Camera over characters shoulder
Suspense, point f view, understanding of what is going on to scale

High Angle
Up above looking down on something
To make something look small or make someone seem inferior

Low angle
Down below looking up at something
To make something look big or make someone look superior

Canted angle
Strange or unusual angle
Get different, quirky effects

Camera Moves horizontally but in a fixed position
Looks across a place or a setting/scene

Camera moves from bottom of object to the top
Get the whole view of a person/building/object. Especially on a large scale.

Camera moves along side the action, following the actor etc.
Get the whole movement sequence, for example someone running a 100m race

Camera Moves but is high and looking down
Gets a broad shot of a scene/ setting

Camera on a pod
For a steady, intricate and still scene

Camera is held in someones hand
Used for POV (point of view) make it realistic. Could be used in a horror

Close up on a specific area
Dramatic effect or pin pointing a certain area or look.


What does it mean?
Why Might it be used

Voice Over
 Voice over the media, commentry
 To set a story setting, narrating, commentating on a game

Jump cut
Camera jumps from one time to another
Not bore the audience by showing a long sequence. Eg someone walking a long journey

Cross Cutting
Shot from one side of something to another. For example someone opening a door
Someone opening a door from side A, walking through and finishing side B.

Scene disappearing or fading slowly. Quite often in to a black back ground
To fade away the credits. Move to another scene

Shot take
Short section shown of a scene
Portray action and excitement  and is always changing

Cutting Rate
How fast or slow the cuts are together
Fast=Dramatic and alot of action                                    Slow=more serious, usually more dialogue

Motivated Cut
A cut to see what someone is looking at which is not yet in view.
To see someones reaction, add suspension as you cant yet see what they are reacting to

Slow Motion
Everything is slowed down considerably
Shows drama, action, explosion possibly

Sound Bridge
Music carrying over from one scene to another
Links scenes together

Reverse Zoom
Coming out of a close up or zoom
Get overall view on area, starts zoomed then moves out to reveal whole area/space/setting

Ambient sound
Back ground sound, setting the mood and tone
Certain music to portray a scene. Eg scary=whistling (eeriness)

The pitch of the music
Adds an effect to reflect the action being shown

Added equipment. Otherwise known as props
Portrays a role. Could show society, class,gender, stereotype

Reaction shot
To show someones reaction to something happening
So we can see their reaction and emotion following an action being involved in the scene

Diagetic sound
The sound is actually there in the scene
Show whats happening in a scene. Big band playing, they will play actual music

Non-Diagetic sound
Sound added after in editing
Sound thats added to a scene to make it seem more dramatic/ more calm etc.

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