Thursday, 27 October 2011

Lesson Question - Mz

What deos this mean for Lady Ga Ga's image and videos- What do they need to have?

Lady GaGa is obviously extremely famous not just for her edgy and sucessful songs but for the way she dresses and presents herself. She is known for her Wacky costumes and shows more than anything.
However this Star Image of hers is her absolute life and soul of her career in my opinion. I think that without this she would be no where near as sucessful.

So our discussion was: if she changed her image due to boredom or lack of originality would she be as popular.
Before Fame
Well.. she obviously has all of her fans who she brands her "monsters" and as being full on, life long GaGa fans they should stick by her in whatever she chooses to do but if she does change then surely she isnt what her fans were originally appealed to. So if fo some reason she did change i think she would loose a large percentage of her fan base as she is no longer what they fell in love with. However she may build up a new fan base of different people who now like the new her. Therefore this could be a sucessful decision but it would have its risks and if she for some reason didnt build a new fan base I think her career would be heading to an end.
I think someone like lady GaGa has to thrive off her fans and in order to do this she needs to stay as she is with her wacky costumes etc. The only change i think she could afford to make would be to brand herself as being more odd and by creating other costumes etc even more extreme than her ones today.

Tried being famous as "herself" but didnt get anywhere as she seemed boring with no STAR IMAGE.

NOW. Lady GaGa a world wide weird phenomenon. Dressed in meat and on the front cover of VOGUE.

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