Here we are looking at artists of the simular style to ours in terms of singing, looks, genre etc to work out what images would make up our ideal Digi Pack.
Here we can see that the artist is the main focus on the front cover. It shows that he is in one secluded place with his background rushing past him. It gives the effect of him standing in one point in time and no matter what he does it doesnt effect his surroundings.
This album cover is quite simple and has been created using dull colours. This is more likely to make the main artist stand out, in this case he is wearing black which is a bold block colour which is obviously going to stand out against a dull background.
The back cover shown here on the left is even more simple. It doesnt even feature him as the artist let alone any other person or animal. It is quite literally a very plain background that resemples a wall. The thing that makes the back cover more interesting though is the way the song list has been placed. It is shown in blocks of a few songs which then gradate and decent from the first. This could give the effect of stairs, maybe the stairs he climbed in his career to get to the top and create an album.
Josh Groban
Here I am looking at Josh Grobans Digi Pack as he is probably the most artist like our own in the sense of his looks and ability to play the piano as well as having the piano as a feature in his music videos.
We can see here that his front cover again is quite plain and he as the artist is the main focus. The same block colour has been used as a blank across the whole photo but only his main features (hair, eyes, nose, mouth, collar) have been made bolder with a much darker shade. This makes the image slightly more intense and makes it feel like he is staring right at the audience/buyer and interacting with them. We can also notice that his name has been formed using all lower case letters. This will automatically make you focus more on his photo as this is the boldest area on the page. However his first name is done in block black which stands out and his surname done in a pale white which blends in. This gives the effect of letting the buyer see his name then instantly look at him as an artist. This will make the name stick to the face so whenever the buyer sees a photo of him they remember his name or if they hear that name they think of him.
Here we can see the whole layout of the Digi Pack. It is shown that the other side of his face is shown on the second opening flap (before the CD is revealed) This give the image of showing him as a whole person, yet it is in a much paler colour so it doesnt take away the boldness of the front cover.
The back is very simple with just a vertical central list of songs. This adds to the simplicity of the artist yet not taking away the beauty of it.
The way the orange photo fades in to the grey one makes the artist seem more friendly and smooth, possibly reflecting the nature of his songs.
James Blunt
Again here we can see that the Artist is the main focus of the Album/ Digi Pack.
However on this one the front cover is created using duller and darker tones. This makes a bold picure but an even bolder title that has been created using bright colours. This makes the Artists name the first thing the buyer would see, therefore staying in their head.
However when we open up the Digi Pack we can see that the total colour scheme of the photos has changed to match the title colour. It is bright and breezy making the artist seem much more friendly. We still have the artist portrayed in a bolder colour than the background but we can see that again only the main features of the face have been depicted in bold colours.
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